
Home > Record Holders > Landscape Architecture

The largest wooden building in the world

Record Number: WRC160306E 

Record of Achievements: length: 57 meters width: 50 meters 

Place of Record: Japan 

Record time: 6 March 2016 

Todaiji (Great Eastern Temple") is one of Japan's most famous and historically significant temples and a landmark of Nara. The temple was constructed in 752 as the head temple of all provincial Buddhist temples of Japan .Todaiji's main hall, the Daibutsuden (Big Buddha Hall) is the world's largest wooden building, was finished in 1709, and although immense—57 metres (187 ft) long and 50 metres (160 ft) wide—it is actually 30% smaller than its predecessor. despite the fact that the present reconstruction of 1692 is only two thirds of the original temple hall's size. The massive building houses one of Japan's largest bronze statues of Buddha (Daibutsu). The 15 meters tall, seated Buddha represents Vairocana and is flanked by two Bodhisattvas.

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