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Largest crop field Tai Chi pattern

Record Number: WRC200428A 

Record of Achievements: a diameter of 1,301.13 m and a total area of 1,329,640.85 ㎡ 

Place of Record: China 

Record time: 16 July 2020 

The Tai Chi pattern created by Shiwei Farm in Ergun City, Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, China, is composed of wheat and rapeseed flowers, with a diameter of 1,301.13 m and a total area of 1,329,640.85 m2. Verified on site by the WRCA, it has been confirmed as the “largest crop field Tai Chi pattern". This landscape was created by Shiwei Farm in its manor on the right bank of the Ergune River, the Sino-Russian border river. The manor is a complex project of agriculture, culture and tourism. In recent years, Shiwei Farm has been developing eco-tourism with the local ecological environment and folk culture.

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