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Largest wooden Tibetan monastery

Record Number: WRC210415D 

Record of Achievements: covering an area of over 540 ㎡, with a length of 27 m, a width of 21 m and a height of 16 m 

Place of Record: China 

Record time: 13th July 2021 

The Sangkhatang Tashidokama Monastery (Tsongkhapa Monastery) of the Regong Maba Monastery was built under the direction of Gengdeng Quezhi in Qinghai Province, China. The 3-story wooden structure has a hip-and-gable xieshan-style roof with double eaves, covering an area of over 540 ㎡, with a length of 27 m, a width of 21 m and a height of 16 m. Verified by the WRCA, it has been recognised as the “largest wooden Tibetan monastery".

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